What is Wonder Week? Baby’s Leap and How to Get Through Them


Wonder Week is a familiar term for parents. It refers to a fussy period where babies suddenly change, both mentally and physically. Let’s delve into this topic to understand how to cope and overcome these challenges.

What is a Wonder Week?

Wonder Week describes periods of rapid development and breakthroughs in a child’s growth. These weeks were identified by Dutch researcher Frans Plooij, based on his theory of infant neurological development.

According to Plooij, babies experience rapid neurological development phases called “leaps.” These leaps last for about 5 to 10 days and are often accompanied by noticeable changes in the child’s behavior.

Characteristics of a Wonder Week:

  • Behavioral Changes: Babies may become restless, irritable, cry more than usual, or exhibit other unusual behaviors.
  • Development of New Skills: Babies may start developing new skills like rolling over, crawling, sitting, saying new words, or understanding simple sentences.
  • Increased Focus: Babies may focus on a specific activity for longer periods.
  • Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: Babies may show more curiosity about their surroundings and want to explore everything.

Purpose of Understanding Wonder Weeks:

  • Understanding Child Development: Parents can gain a better understanding of their child’s neurological development.
  • Supporting Development: Parents can create a supportive environment for their child to develop new skills.
  • Reducing Stress: Understanding these developmental phases can help reduce parental stress and anxiety.

Are Wonder Weeks Dangerous?

During Wonder Weeks, babies tend to be fussier and more irritable than usual. However, there’s no need for excessive worry, as this is a perfectly normal psychological phenomenon. Parents should regularly monitor their child’s fussy week schedule to proactively address any challenges.

How Long Does a Wonder Week Last?

Typically, each wonder week lasts about 5 weeks, with two phases: “Stormy” and “Sunny.”

  • “Stormy” Phase: This is when the child begins learning new skills. Common signs include irritability, crying, tantrums, and general discomfort.
  • “Sunny” Phase: This is when the child has mastered the new skill and shows cognitive development.

The duration of a fussy week is just a guideline, as each child develops at their own pace. Fussy weeks in infants and children under 2 typically occur around weeks 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46, 55, 64, and 75.

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Similac Total Protection Formula No. 1 400g (0 – 6 months)

Schedule of Baby’s Fussy Weeks

Week 5: This is the first Wonder Week, where babies start developing their senses. You might notice fussiness and decreased appetite. However, after overcoming this week, babies will:

  • Focus intently and want to touch everything.
  • Smile and become sensitive to smells.

If your baby is fussy, try engaging them in activities they enjoy, like going outside or getting a massage.

Week 8: During this week, babies might:

  • Show interest in toys.
  • Make small cooing or gurgling sounds.
  • Turn their head towards sounds.
  • Explore and observe their body parts.

Spend quality time with your baby, play games that promote skill development, and show them lots of love.

Week 12: This marks a significant developmental shift:

  • Develop motor skills like rolling, turning, lifting their head, and smiling more.
  • Enjoy listening to sounds of varying frequencies.
  • Stay awake later and refuse food.

To cope, put your baby to bed 30-45 minutes earlier than usual and reduce one daytime nap. Avoid forcing food and try offering a variety of options to pique their interest.

Week 19: During this week, babies might:

  • Put their hands in their mouths or grab everything.
  • Push away the nipple when full.
  • Follow you with their eyes.

Week 26: Babies begin to:

  • Express strong emotions like loud laughter and crying.
  • Sit up and push themselves up.
  • Perceive distances.

Week 37: Babies:

  • Understand simple words.
  • Imitate facial expressions.
  • Show curiosity about people and animals.
  • Enjoy swaying to music or jingles.

Week 46: Babies:

  • Say simple words.
  • Understand and respond to short questions.
  • Point at desired objects.
  • Enjoy stacking objects.

Week 55: Babies:

  • Stand while holding onto furniture.
  • Hold objects and move them around.
  • Attempt to dress and undress themselves.
  • Show interest in drawing.

Week 64: Babies:

  • Make jokes, flatter, and act cute.
  • Imitate adult expressions and actions.

Week 75: Babies:

  • Walk steadily and run around.
  • Develop empathy and emotional understanding.
  • Adjust their behavior to different situations.
  • Improve their language skills.

How to Cope with Wonder Weeks

Parents should understand that the behaviors displayed during a baby’s fussy week are perfectly normal, and there’s no need for excessive worry. The key to coping is patience and acceptance.

Here are some things parents can do during this period:

  • Put the baby to bed 30-45 minutes earlier than usual in the evening. Eliminate one daytime nap (for weeks 12-26, 37-55, or 64). Ensure the baby is healthy, not sleep-deprived, or showing signs of fatigue before implementing this.
  • Don’t force the baby to eat, as this can lead to psychological food aversion. Feed the baby when they are hungry.
  • Play with the baby, encouraging them to crawl, walk, and stand.
  • Distract a crying baby with activities like massage, walks, or playing with toys.
  • If the baby cries due to a wet diaper, consider the type of diaper being used. Prioritize soft, breathable, and absorbent diapers.
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HiPP Organic Combiotic Formula No. 1 800g (0 – 6 months)

Important Considerations During Wonder Weeks

A baby’s Wonder Weeks are not always identical. Some babies reach them early, some late, and some right on schedule. Therefore, parents should observe their baby’s behavior and skills, such as crawling, standing, nighttime fussiness, and decreased appetite, to determine if they are experiencing a Wonder Week.

Wonder Weeks are typically calculated based on the baby’s due date. For premature babies, use the estimated due date. During a fussy week, keep the following in mind:

  • The milestones of fussy weeks are not uniform. The mentioned timelines are only for reference.
  • Identify fussy weeks by observing typical signs like reduced appetite, less sleep, increased crying, and clinginess.
  • Consider the baby’s age and skill development (rolling, crawling, standing) to confirm a Wonder Week.
  • Whether full-term or premature, fussy weeks are calculated based on the due date.
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ColosBaby Gold 0+ Vanilla Flavor 800g

Wonder Weeks are not as daunting as they may seem. AVAKids hopes this article helps parents understand and embrace these small changes in their little one’s growth journey.