NAN vs. Colosbaby Formula: Which One Is Right for Your Baby?


NAN and ColosBaby are two quite popular milk products in the Vietnamese market, helping babies develop both physically and mentally, so they are trusted by many parents as their baby’s formula. Let’s compare NAN and ColosBaby with AVAKids so that mothers can choose the right product.

About NAN milk

NAN Optipro Plus Stage 1 Milk Powder

NAN is a brand of the Nestlé Group, Switzerland, and is produced based on European standards and quality. The product contains many essential nutrients for the sustainable development of babies, suitable for many ages and nutritional needs of children.

  • The milk contains 100% hydrolyzed protein, separated by heat and fermentation, making it easy for babies to digest and absorb protein. Moreover, this type of hydrolyzed protein has been scientifically proven to reduce allergic diseases such as eczema and atopic dermatitis.
  • The milk formula is carefully researched by experts to balance nutrients with the essential needs of children through each stage, helping to reduce unwanted situations from excess nutrients.
  • NAN milk contains probiotics, which are beneficial intestinal bacteria that support the absorption of nutrients for the body.
  • The milk contains many essential trace minerals such as iron, zinc, and various vitamins to help strengthen the immune system.
  • In addition, the milk has a high content of DHA and ARA, supporting brain and vision development, helping babies have bright eyes, intelligence, improved memory, and learning ability.
  • The Nestle brand always focuses on providing adequate nutrition to support the comprehensive development of babies, so when drinking NAN milk, babies will always meet height and weight standards.
  • There are many different lines such as NAN Optipro, NAN Organic, PreNAN,… for all ages.

About ColosBaby milk

ColosBaby Bio Gold 0+ Milk Powder

ColosBaby milk is a product of VitaDairy Vietnam. The milk is produced from ingredients imported from the US on a modern production line, providing adequate nutrients such as DHA, choline, calcium, zinc, vitamin A, protein, soluble fiber, IgG,… to support the comprehensive development of babies.

  • A Vietnamese milk brand, with ingredients 100% imported from the US, strictly inspected to ensure safety for babies.
  • There are many diverse products from design to quality suitable for many user groups such as Colosbaby milk for newborns, for babies from 1 to 2 years old,…
  • Milk helps stimulate taste buds, creating a feeling of appetite, babies eat more so they will gain weight.
  • ColosBaby has a rich content of DHA, vitamin A, and choline, helping to develop the brain and vision. Babies will be smarter and have better eyesight.
  • The milk contains many essential nutrients. Especially, IgG helps strengthen the immune system, increase resistance, and reduce problems with respiratory infections, diarrhea, or minor illnesses,…
  • In addition, ColosBaby contains soluble fiber FOS, which improves the intestinal microflora, making the digestive system healthy and preventing constipation.
  • Prevents jaundice: Milk supports and enhances the elimination of bilirubin, the agent that causes jaundice.
  • ColosBaby contains casein hydrolyzed into lactium, which helps babies feel comfortable and relaxed, so they can sleep easily and soundly.
  • The rich content of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps strengthen bones and promotes optimal height development.
ColosBaby Bio Gold 0+ Vanilla Flavor 800g Milk Powder (0 - 12 months)

ColosBaby Bio Gold 0+ Vanilla Flavor 800g Milk Powder (0 – 12 months)

Comparing NAN and Colosbaby milk: Which one should mothers choose?

Criteria NAN Milk ColosBaby Milk
Origin Belongs to the world-renowned Nestlé Group, Switzerland, produced based on European standards. Belongs to VitaDairy Vietnam, produced from ingredients imported from the US.
  • Contains many Probiotics Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Probiotics Lactobacillus Longum to help babies absorb nutrients well and limit constipation.
  • High DHA and ARA content helps babies be intelligent and have good eyesight.
  • The milk also contains trace minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A, B, C, D,…
  • Contains colostrum Colos IgG24h, which has many IgG antibodies to help babies stay healthy and limit disease-causing agents.
  • The milk has a full range of essential minerals and vitamins for the baby’s comprehensive development.
  • Thanks to DHA and ARA, it helps babies become smarter, develop eyesight, and calcium supports their growth.
  • Prevents and reduces constipation. NAN milk also has a special milk line specifically for treating constipation, lactose intolerance, and diarrhea.
  • Helps babies develop optimally thanks to the calcium and vitamin D3 content in the milk.
  • Helps the digestive system function well, babies eat well, easily absorb nutrients, and gain weight.
  • Supports brain and vision development, helping babies be intelligent and have good eyesight.
  • Helps the baby’s digestive system function well, so the baby will become healthier.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance, helping babies avoid minor illnesses.
  • Helps babies eat well, so they will gain weight and grow taller thanks to the high calcium content.
  • Supports brain development, helping babies become smarter, enhances cognitive ability and learning.
Product Lines There are many milk lines depending on the baby’s needs, such as:

  • NAN InfiniPro A2 (0 – 12 months).
  • NAN Supreme HMO (0 – 6 months).
  • NAN Optipro HMO (0 – 6 months).
  • NAN Organic (0 – 6 months).
  • Pre NAN (premature, low birth weight babies).
Also has many milk lines depending on the baby’s needs, such as:

  • ColosBaby Gold Milk (0 – 12 months).
  • ColosBaby IQ Milk (0 – 12 months).
  • ColosBaby Bio Milk (0 – 12 months).
  • Colos IgG 24h Colostrum.
Taste Mildly sweet. Sweet and creamy.

Should you choose NAN or Colosbaby milk?

Both NAN and ColosBaby milk products, although having different nutrient content, help children develop comprehensively. Let’s summarize some advantages of the two types of milk:

  • Both types of milk strengthen resistance and the immune system, helping children avoid minor illnesses. The most obvious difference between the two types of milk is that ColosBaby contains ColosIgG24h colostrum, rich in IgG antibodies, helping children stay healthy.
  • Because both types of milk contain high levels of DHA and ARA, they help babies develop their brains and vision, making them intelligent, improving eyesight, and enhancing cognition.
  • The milk contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D3 to support effective height growth, helping to strengthen the skeletal system.
  • Both milk lines support good digestion. NAN milk has 2 types of probiotics, bifidobacterium and lactobacillus, which help babies eat and sleep well. ColosBaby has FOS soluble fiber to help balance intestinal microflora and prevent constipation.
  • Both types of milk help children gain weight steadily and meet standards, by providing all the necessary nutrients according to the baby’s needs through each stage of development.
Both types of milk have outstanding advantages

Both types of milk have outstanding advantages