Is Luffa Safe for Pregnant Women? 9 Amazing Benefits


Luffa has a refreshing taste, is rich in fiber, protein, many vitamins and minerals good for health. So, can pregnant women eat luffa? Let’s find out with AVAKids in this article!

Nutritional composition of luffa

Before getting to the question “Can pregnant women eat luffa?” let’s learn about the nutritional composition of this food.

Luffa is a food rich in folic acid for pregnant women, containing many vitamins, minerals and many other beneficial compounds. In 1 bowl of luffa soup, it can provide up to 1g of protein, 1g of fiber, 17 kcal of calories. At the same time, luffa is also rich in vitamins A, C, K, B6 and other minerals such as manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.

Besides, luffa also contains a small amount of iron, calcium, zinc and many B vitamins, so it is considered one of the very good foods for health.

Can pregnant women eat luffa is a question of many mothers

Luffa is a food containing many nutrients good for health

Can pregnant women eat luffa?

Luffa is a very nutritious food. So, can pregnant women eat luffa? The answer is YES. Luffa has a sweet taste, a mild aroma, and has the effect of cooling and detoxifying. On the other hand, pregnant women often have a higher body temperature than normal, at this time, luffa is an effective body cooling food. Therefore, pregnant women can completely eat luffa throughout pregnancy.

Benefits of luffa for pregnant women

Provides fiber

The fiber content in luffa will help pregnant women improve digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion, constipation during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Strengthens the immune system

Pregnant women often have a weakened immune system. Therefore, eating luffa regularly will supplement vitamin C and iron, helping to effectively strengthen the immune system and resistance during pregnancy.

Supplements vitamin B

Luffa is rich in vitamins B1, B6, B12, etc., helping the body produce energy and stable red blood cells. Besides, the vitamin B content in luffa also supports brain development and prevents nervous system problems in the fetus.

Provides many nutrients good for health

Thanks to its composition containing many nutrients good for health, luffa can supplement the mother with an abundant source of nutrition. These substances will help pregnant women have a healthier and lighter pregnancy.

Answering the question of whether pregnant women can eat luffa

Luffa provides protein, fiber, many vitamins and minerals for pregnant women

Prevents dry eyes

Vitamin A in luffa has the effect of preventing macular degeneration, reducing the risk of eye diseases, effectively treating eye strain and dry eyes. Therefore, pregnant women need to supplement vitamin A every day, especially when they are constantly exposed to computers and phones.

Prevents anemia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother’s body needs more blood to nourish the fetus. Besides, luffa is a food rich in vitamin B6 and iron, which are essential substances that help the body produce hemoglobin, which plays a role in transporting oxygen to cells, preventing anemia during pregnancy.

Enhances brain function for mother and baby

Iron deficiency is the cause of insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, making pregnant women easily forgetful, less mentally alert and affecting the development of nerve cells in the fetus. Luffa has the effect of regulating blood flow, providing iron and many other nutrients for the mother’s body to produce more hemoglobin. Thereby, enhancing brain function for both mother and baby.

Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes

The magnesium content in luffa can reduce blood sugar levels and enhance the process of sugar metabolism in the pregnant woman’s body. Therefore, eating luffa regularly will help mothers reduce the risk of gestational diabetes by up to 15%.

Prevents constipation in pregnant women

Luffa contains a lot of fiber, water and cellulose that can enhance the activity of intestinal motility. Thereby, it helps soften stools, prevents constipation during pregnancy and effectively limits hemorrhoids after giving birth. At this point, surely pregnant mothers also have the answer to the question “is it good for pregnant women to eat luffa?”.

Some notes when pregnant women eat luffa

Luffa is very good for the health of pregnant women and the development of the fetus. However, mothers need to eat the right amount and enough to bring the best effect. Here are a few notes when pregnant women eat luffa:

  • Pregnant women with poor digestive systems and spleen and stomach that cannot tolerate the cold should limit eating luffa.
  • Mothers should choose luffa that is moderately young and process it into stir-fried or boiled dishes to ensure the flavor and nutritional content of this food.
  • Pregnant women with diarrhea should not eat luffa because the cold nature of luffa will make the stomach more uncomfortable.
  • Luffa is rich in fiber, so eating too much can cause bloating. Therefore, pregnant women should eat luffa in moderation.
Many mothers wonder if pregnant women can eat luffa

Mothers should choose moderately young luffa

Luffa is a food that brings many benefits to pregnant women and fetuses. Hopefully, with AVAKids’ answer to “can pregnant women eat luffa?” above, it has helped mothers gain more useful knowledge to have a healthy pregnancy.

To be able to supplement enough nutrients needed for fetal development, mothers can refer to quality maternity milk lines such as Enfamama maternity milk, Frisomum maternity milk, Morinaga maternity milk,… which are very popular maternity milk lines on the market today.