Images of a pregnant belly from week 1 to 9 months


Curious about how your belly size will change throughout your pregnancy? Join AVAKids’ Pregnancy section to explore real images of how a pregnant belly changes month by month!

Belly at 1 Week

According to doctors, you’re not officially pregnant at week one, as pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. Simply put, during the first 1-3 weeks of pregnancy, the egg and sperm meet. Therefore, there will be no changes to your belly.

First month, 1 week pregnant: No change in belly size

First month, 1 week pregnant: No change in belly size

Belly at 2 Weeks

Does your belly get bigger at 2 weeks pregnant? At 2 weeks pregnant, the embryo hasn’t yet formed, as the egg only begins fertilization at the end of the second week. So you may only feel tired, experience breast enlargement, headaches, nausea, etc., without noticing any changes in your waistline.

Belly size at 2 weeks pregnant

Belly size remains unchanged at 2 weeks pregnant

Belly at 3 Weeks

Does your belly get bigger at 3 weeks pregnant? The answer is, it usually doesn’t. While pregnancy at 2 weeks brings only vague sensations, by week 3, the fetus has begun to exist and develop in the mother’s womb, measuring 0.35mm – 0.6mm. However, your waist size will still remain the same.

At week 3, the fetus is developing, but the mother's belly hasn't changed

At week 3, the fetus is developing, but the mother’s belly hasn’t changed

Belly at 1 Month

By week 4 of pregnancy, the baby has “nested” deep inside the mother’s uterus and continues the implantation process. During this period (4 weeks pregnant), the mother may experience mild cramping, frequent urination, breast tenderness, etc., but the change in waistline is still insignificant.

Belly at 4 weeks pregnant

Belly at 4 weeks pregnant

Belly at 2 Months

Is the belly big at 8 weeks pregnant? Entering the second month, the embryo begins to develop rapidly. An 8-week-old fetus will be about 2.54 cm, weighing about 1g and 1-1.6cm in length. However, the mother’s pregnant belly size hasn’t changed much from the first month; it only protrudes slightly.

During week 8, the fetus begins to develop identifying features such as ears, nose, fingers, and toes. Internal organs such as neural tissue, skeletal system, spinal cord, digestive system, and brain also gradually develop.

Along with the development of the fetus, pregnant mothers also begin to experience several physical and emotional changes. Morning sickness, rapid heartbeat, heartburn, and tender breasts are common symptoms during this period. The mother’s body also increases blood cell production to meet the nutritional needs for the healthy development of the fetus.

A pregnant mother's belly at 2 months will begin to protrude forward

A pregnant mother’s belly at 2 months will begin to protrude forward

Belly at 3 Months (12 Weeks Pregnant)

By the end of the first trimester, the fetus has developed significantly. The baby will be about 6.5 – 7.5 cm long, and most body parts are nearly complete. The baby can even open and close its mouth, move its fingers and toes, and develop gums. The circulatory and urinary systems also begin to function.

Pregnant mothers will also feel noticeable changes. Morning sickness will gradually subside, and the pregnant belly will begin to protrude more noticeably due to the rapid fetal development. At this time, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to supplementing adequate nutrition to nurture a healthy fetus.

Belly at the beginning of the 3rd month

Belly at the beginning of the 3rd month

Belly at 14 Weeks (Over 3 Months Pregnant)

When the fetus is 14 weeks old, the mother’s uterus will be larger, and the top of the uterus will be higher than the pelvis, about 16 cm. This makes the mother’s belly noticeably larger, making it easy to see that she is pregnant.

Image of a mother at 14 weeks pregnant

Image of a mother at 14 weeks pregnant

Belly at 4 Months

How big is the belly at 4 months pregnant? At 4 months pregnant, the mother will feel her belly significantly larger. At this time, the fetus is about 15cm – 24cm.

Mother's belly when the fetus is 4 months old

Mother’s belly when the fetus is 4 months old

Belly at 20 Weeks (5 Months Pregnant)

By the 5th month of pregnancy, the mother will clearly see the shape of her pregnant belly. The shape of a 5-month pregnant belly can be high or low or protrude forward, depending on the mother’s physique. The size of a 20-week-old fetus will be about 25.4 cm.

Waist size changes month by month

Waist size changes month by month

Belly at 21 Weeks

Is the belly big at 21 weeks pregnant? Entering the 5th month, the fetus has developed considerably, reaching a length of about 25.4 cm. At this time, the mother’s pregnant belly has grown larger, about the size of a grapefruit. The baby also starts moving around more in the mother’s womb; the mother will feel the baby’s kicks and turns more clearly. These are signs that the baby is developing healthily.

Image of a mother's belly at 21 weeks pregnant

Image of a mother’s belly at 21 weeks pregnant

Belly at 6 Months

When pregnant in the 6th month, the mother’s waist size will double. The size of the fetus at this time is about 30cm. Whether the mother’s 6-month pregnant belly is big or small depends on many factors, so if the belly hasn’t grown much at this stage, don’t worry too much.

When the fetus is 6 months old, the mother's belly will grow significantly

When the fetus is 6 months old, the mother’s belly will grow significantly

Belly at 7 Months

The development of a 28-week-old fetus will begin to slow down. If previously the mother’s pregnant belly grew month by month, at this stage, the size of the mother’s pregnant belly may increase slightly or not at all. The baby at this time is about 35.5cm long.

Real image of a mother at 7 months pregnant

Real image of a mother at 7 months pregnant

Belly at 8 Months

In the second month of the third trimester, the mother’s pregnant belly will not change, but the mother may still feel it’s a little bigger. The size of a 32-week-old fetus will be about 45.7cm.

Belly size at 8 months pregnant

Belly size at 8 months pregnant

Belly at 9 Months

By the 9th month of pregnancy, the mother’s pregnant belly will be at its largest size. At this time, a 36-week-old fetus will be 45 – 73cm in size.

Image of a mother's belly at 9 months pregnant

Image of a mother’s belly at 9 months pregnant

Belly Dropping

A dropping belly is a sign that the mother is about to give birth because the fetus has moved lower. However, it’s impossible to know exactly how long after the belly drops before birth; the mother needs to monitor her body’s symptoms and recognize the signs of imminent labor within a few hours.

A dropped belly is a sign that the mother is about to give birth

A dropped belly is a sign that the mother is about to give birth

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks during pregnancy will appear in most pregnant mothers due to weight gain and excessive skin stretching. Pregnant mothers can hardly prevent this from happening, but stretch marks will fade after delivery, from 6 to 12 months.

Image of a mother's belly with stretch marks due to excessive skin stretching

Image of a mother’s belly with stretch marks due to excessive skin stretching

The above are the most realistic and clear images of a pregnant belly month by month. We hope that through AVAKids’ article, you can visualize your baby’s development at each stage. We wish you a healthy pregnancy!