How to prepare Meiji milk sticks, powdered milk number 0-9 and storage instructions


Meiji milk powder is a Japanese infant formula trusted by many mothers for its ingredients similar to breast milk and its mildly sweet taste. However, many mothers are still unsure about the correct way to prepare Meiji formula number 0 to 9, both in cube and powder form, as well as how to store Meiji milk after opening. Let’s explore this with AVAKids!

How to Prepare Meiji Formula Cubes (Number 0) for Infants Aged 0-1 Year

Step 1: Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the formula.

Before starting, wash and sanitize your hands with hand soap or sanitizer to eliminate bacteria.

Step 2: Prepare and sterilize feeding equipment.

To eliminate bacteria, use a bottle sterilizer or boil the feeding equipment, such as bottles and nipples, for about 5 minutes.

Step 3: Determine the number of cubes needed.

For the most accurate preparation of Meiji Infant Formula cubes for infants aged 0-1 year, refer to the table below. One cube (5.4g) yields 40ml of prepared formula:

Age (Months) Number of Cubes

(1 cube ~ 5.4g)

Water (ml) Feedings per Day Supplementary Solid Food Meals
0 – 0.5 2 80 7
0.5 – 1 2 – 3 80 – 120 7
1 – 2 3 – 4 120 – 160 6
2 – 3 5 200 5
3 – 5 5 200 5
5 – 7 5 200 5 1
7 – 9 5 200 5 2
9 – 12 5 200 5 3

Step 4: Prepare the formula.

Add the appropriate number of cubes to the bottle. Add about 2/3 of the required amount of boiled water, cooled to about 70°C (158°F). Close the bottle and shake well until the cubes are completely dissolved. Then, add the remaining 1/3 of the water (cooled boiled water) to reach the desired volume. Close the lid and shake gently again.

Step 5: Cool to the appropriate temperature.

After preparation, cool the formula to body temperature before feeding. You can immerse the bottle in cool water to bring the temperature down to around 37-40°C (98.6-104°F), which is ideal for the baby’s digestive system.

Step 6: Check the temperature before feeding.

Test the temperature by dropping a few drops of formula onto your wrist before feeding to avoid burning or scalding the baby’s tongue.

Step 7: Feed the baby.

Feed the baby as usual, tilting the bottle to keep the nipple full of milk, preventing the baby from swallowing air and reducing spitting up.

How to prepare Meiji Infant Formula cubes according to the manufacturer's instructions

How to prepare Meiji Infant Formula cubes according to the manufacturer’s instructions

How to Prepare Meiji Powdered Formula (Number 0, 9)

Step 1: Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the formula.

Hygiene is crucial before preparing formula, as your hands can significantly impact the quality of the milk. Wash your hands thoroughly every time you handle your baby’s feeding equipment.

Step 2: Clean and sterilize feeding equipment.

All feeding equipment, including bottles and nipples, should be thoroughly cleaned, sterilized, and dried before use.

Step 3: Boil water and let it cool to 50-70°C (122-158°F).

Prepare hot water at approximately 70°C (158°F) for Meiji formula number 0 and 50°C (122°F) for Meiji formula number 9. Water that is too hot or too cold can prevent the formula from dissolving properly and may cause clumping.

Step 4: Measure the correct amount of formula powder.

Meiji Formula Number 0 Preparation Guide:

Age (Months) Amount per Feeding Feedings per Day
Scoops (1 scoop ~ 2.7g) Water (ml)
Under 0.5 4 80 7
0.5 – 1 4 – 6 80 – 120 7
1 – 2 6 – 8 120 – 160 6
2 – 3 6 – 8 120 – 160 6
3 – 5 10 200 5
5 – 7 10 200 5 – 6
7 – 9 10 200 5 – 7
9 – 12 10 200 5 – 8

Meiji Formula Number 9 Preparation Guide:

Age (Months) Amount per Feeding Feedings per Day
Scoops (1 scoop ~ 5.6g) Water (ml)
12 – 18 5 200 2 – 3
18 – 36 5 200 2

Step 5: Prepare the Formula

* **Meiji Powdered Formula Number 0:** After adding the correct amount of formula to the bottle, pour in about 2/3 of the required boiled water, cooled to approximately 70°C (158°F). Then, add the remaining cooled boiled water to reach the desired volume. Shake gently again until the formula is completely dissolved.
* **Meiji Powdered Formula Number 9:** After adding the correct amount of formula to the bottle, pour in about 2/3 of the required boiled water, cooled to approximately 50°C (122°F). Then, add the remaining cooled boiled water to reach the desired volume. Shake gently again until the formula is completely dissolved.

Step 6: Check the temperature and feed your baby.

After preparing, immerse the bottle in cool water until it reaches approximately 37-40°C (98.6-104°F) before feeding. Test the temperature by dropping a few drops onto your wrist to avoid burning or scalding your baby’s tongue.

How to prepare Meiji Growing Up Formula powder according to the manufacturer's instructions

How to prepare Meiji Growing Up Formula powder according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Important Notes When Using Meiji Formula

To ensure the safe and effective use of Meiji formula number 0 and 9, consider the following:

  • Ideally, use the formula immediately after preparation; refrigeration is not recommended.
  • Discard any leftover formula; do not re-feed it to the baby.
  • Do not feed the baby formula with undissolved cubes or powder.
  • Do not use a microwave to prepare or warm the formula, as this can alter its properties and diminish its nutritional value.
  • Carefully read the instructions before use and follow the manufacturer’s preparation guidelines on the packaging.
  • Prepare Meiji formula at the recommended temperature to ensure proper sterilization without denaturing essential minerals.
  • Avoid using mineral water to prepare the formula to prevent excess calcium, which can lead to kidney stones and constipation.
  • Do not force the baby to finish the bottle if they are full, as this can lead to food aversion or excessive weight gain.
  • Meiji formula has a shelf life of 2 years from the manufacturing date printed on the packaging.
  • For cube formula, use the entire package within 1 week of opening. For powdered formula, use within 1 month of opening the can.
  • Remove the scoop from the can and store it separately; do not leave it inside.

How to store Meiji Infant Formula EZcube

How to store Meiji Infant Formula EZcube according to the manufacturer’s instructions

How to Store Meiji Formula After Opening

  • Meiji formula cubes should be used within 1 week of opening the package. After this period, do not use the formula, as its quality may have deteriorated and it may be contaminated with bacteria.
  • Meiji powdered formula should be used within 3-4 weeks of opening the can.
  • After opening the package, securely close it with a rubber band, clip, or butterfly clip.
  • Store opened formula at room temperature. Do not refrigerate, as this can cause mold, and avoid storing it near heat sources like the stove, which can melt the cubes.
  • Prepared formula can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 hours and in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Before feeding, warm the refrigerated formula using a bottle warmer to preserve nutrients and flavor.
  • Do not use prepared formula after 24 hours, as this can cause stomach upset and diarrhea. Prepare only the amount needed for each feeding.
  • Do not freeze either cube or powdered Meiji formula.
  • Store the formula in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

How to store Meiji Infant Formula

How to store Meiji Infant Formula powder according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Frequently Asked Questions about Preparing Meiji Formula

What temperature water should be used for Meiji powdered formula?

Each type of Meiji formula requires a specific water temperature for optimal preparation. Use boiled water cooled to 70°C (158°F) for Meiji formula number 0 and 50°C (122°F) for Meiji formula number 9.

What temperature water should be used for Meiji cube formula?

Never use boiling water (100°C/212°F) or boil prepared formula. The correct water temperature for Meiji cube formula number 0 is 70°C (158°F) and 50°C (122°F) for number 9.

Why should Meiji formula be prepared with 70°C (158°F) water?

Using water at 70°C (158°F) for Meiji formula number 0 eliminates harmful bacteria without affecting the formula’s nutritional components. This ensures the baby receives maximum nutrients for healthy development.

How much water should be used with one Meiji cube?

Each Meiji cube should be dissolved in 40ml of water at 70°C (158°F) to ensure safety and preserve nutrients.

How many grams are in one scoop of Meiji 0-1 formula?

Use the scoop provided in the Meiji formula container, as it is specifically designed for the Meiji 0-1 formula. One level scoop contains 2.7 grams of formula powder, which should be mixed with 20ml of hot water.