How to Prepare Aptamil 1-4 Formula: Best and Most Effective Methods


Aptamil is an imported milk formula trusted by many mothers, however, many parents are still confused about how to prepare it for their children. Let AVAKids guide you through the correct way to prepare Aptamil formula, ensuring complete nutrition for your baby in the article below!

Some benefits of Aptamil formula milk for babies:
  • Aptamil is a gentle formula, so it’s easy for babies to absorb, helping to strengthen their digestive system.
  • The formula provides adequate vitamins, protein, and minerals for babies.
  • The product is supplemented with Nucleotides to help babies develop comprehensively both mentally and physically.
  • The formula provides abundant Calcium for outstanding height growth, preventing rickets and promoting strong teeth.

How to Prepare Aptamil Powder Formula Correctly

How to Prepare Aptamil UK Formula Number 1, 2, 3

Step 1: Wash your hands and the preparation area

First, parents need to wash their hands thoroughly with hand soap and sterilize the area where the formula will be prepared. This will prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the milk, minimizing the risk of bacterial contamination that could negatively affect the baby’s health.

Step 2: Sterilize the preparation equipment

Preparation equipment comes into direct contact with the milk, so it’s essential to sterilize the bottles correctly to prevent harmful bacteria from entering. Parents can use a bottle sterilizer for better sterilization, ensuring hygiene and the baby’s health.

Step 3: Pour the correct amount of water into the bottle

In the next step, parents need to boil water, let it cool to the appropriate temperature, and pour it into the bottle with measurement markings. Note that it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions printed on the box. This ensures the correct water-to-powder ratio.

Aptamil UK Advanced Powdered Milk Number 1 800g (0 - 6 months)

Aptamil UK Advanced Powdered Milk Number 1 800g (0 – 6 months)

Step 4: Let the temperature cool down to about 40 degrees Celsius

The ideal temperature for babies to drink milk without getting burned and to retain all nutrients is 40 degrees Celsius. Parents can use a specialized thermometer to check if the temperature is suitable before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5: Add the correct amount of formula powder to the bottle according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Parents should add formula powder to the bottle according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The ratio is 1 leveled scoop of Aptamil formula to 30 ml of water. If the milk is too diluted, it won’t provide enough nutrients for the baby. If it’s too concentrated, the baby will have difficulty absorbing all the nutrients, negatively affecting their digestive system.

Step 6: Stir well to dissolve the formula and check the temperature before feeding the baby

Finally, parents should stir well to dissolve all the Aptamil formula powder. Remember to check the milk temperature before feeding the baby to avoid burns. Parents can drop a few drops of milk on their wrist to check if the temperature is suitable.

How to Prepare Aptamil Australia Formula Number 1, 2, 3, 4

Step 1: Wash your hands and the formula preparation area thoroughly.

Step 2: Sterilize the formula preparation equipment.

Step 3: Use boiled water cooled to about 40 degrees Celsius. Pour the correct amount of water into the bottle.

Step 4: Add the correct amount of formula to the bottle according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 50ml of water is equivalent to 1 leveled scoop. Use the scoop provided in the box according to the manufacturer’s specified amount.

Step 5: Stir well to dissolve the formula and check the temperature before feeding the baby.

Note: Pour the water first and then add the formula. For example, 50ml of water and 1 leveled scoop of formula. After preparation, the final volume will be approximately 57ml.
Steps to Prepare Aptamil Powder Formula

Steps to Prepare Aptamil Powder Formula

How to Prepare Aptamil New Zealand Formula Number 1, 2, 3

Step 1: Wash your hands and the formula preparation area thoroughly.

Step 2: Sterilize the formula preparation equipment.

Step 3: Use boiled water cooled to about 40 degrees Celsius. Pour the correct amount of water into the bottle.

Step 4: Add the correct amount of formula to the bottle according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 50ml of water is equivalent to 1 leveled scoop. Use the measuring scoop provided in the box according to the manufacturer’s specified amount.

Step 5: Stir well to dissolve the formula and check the temperature before feeding the baby to ensure safety.

Aptamil Profutura Cesarbiotik Powdered Milk Number 1 800g (0 – 12 months)

Aptamil Profutura Cesarbiotik Powdered Milk Number 1 800g (0 – 12 months)

Note: For Aptamil Profutura Duobiotik powdered milk, 1 leveled scoop is equivalent to 30ml of water at 40 degrees Celsius.

Important Notes When Preparing Aptamil Powder Formula

For best results, parents should note the following when preparing Aptamil formula:

  • Prepare the formula with warm water at approximately 40 degrees Celsius. Using water that is too hot will destroy the probiotics and enzymes in the milk.
  • Do not use mineral water to prepare the formula.
  • Prepare the formula according to the correct recipe and ratio for the baby’s age. Too much formula can lead to excess energy, while too little can result in nutrient deficiencies.
  • Use the scoop provided in the box to prepare the formula for the baby according to the manufacturer’s ratio.
  • Choose the correct formula for the baby’s age.
Notes When Preparing Aptamil Formula

Notes When Preparing Aptamil Formula

How to Prepare Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets (0-6 months) Quickly and Conveniently

Steps to Prepare Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets

Step 1: Wash your hands and sterilize the formula preparation equipment.

Step 2: Boil water and let it cool to approximately 70°C.

Step 3: Tear the top of the sachet without touching the product, then add the correct number of Aptamil UK First Infant Milk tablets as indicated below into the water.

  • Newborns under 2 weeks old: 3 Aptamil tablets.
  • 2-4 weeks old: 4 tablets.
  • 4-8 weeks old: 5 tablets.
  • 8-12 weeks old: 6 tablets.
  • 3-4 months old: 6 tablets.
  • 4-5 months old: 7 tablets.
  • 5-6 months old: 7 tablets.
  • 6-12 months old: 7 tablets.

Step 4: Close the bottle lid tightly and shake well to dissolve the milk powder. Continue shaking and check to ensure the powder is completely dissolved in the water before feeding the baby. For best results, shake vigorously vertically for at least 10 seconds until all the powder is dissolved.

Step 5: Check the temperature of the milk after preparation by placing a drop on your wrist (it should be around 37°C) before feeding the baby.

Steps to Prepare Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets Correctly as per Manufacturer's Instructions

Steps to Prepare Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets Correctly as per Manufacturer’s Instructions

How to Store Aptamil UK First Infant Milk Sachets After Opening

To ensure Aptamil UK First Infant Milk sachets maintain the best quality for your baby, please note the following:

  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate.
  • After opening the sachet: Fold the edges of the sachet and seal tightly, placing it in an airtight container. Use as soon as possible, preferably within 1 week.
  • Warming the milk: Do not use a microwave to warm prepared milk that has cooled.
  • Check before use: Inspect the milk tablets. Do not use if there are signs of moisture, mold, or if the expiration date has passed.

Following these instructions will help maintain the quality and safety of Aptamil UK milk for your baby.

Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets

Aptamil UK First Infant Milk in Sachets

How to Store Aptamil Formula After Preparation

Besides knowing how to prepare the formula, parents also need to know how to store Aptamil after preparation to ensure its nutritional value and the baby’s health.

  • Before and after opening, the formula should be stored at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius with humidity no higher than 75% to avoid affecting its quality.
  • Store the formula in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • The prepared formula should be consumed within 2 hours. If the baby doesn’t finish the bottle, discard the remaining milk to prevent stomach aches, diarrhea, and other health issues.


Aptamil Profutura Duobiotik Powdered Milk Number 1



Frequently Asked Questions about Preparing Aptamil Formula

1. How much water should be mixed with one scoop of Aptamil formula?

The amount varies depending on whether the Aptamil product is from the UK, Australia, or New Zealand, and also the specific product line. For Aptamil UK, 30 ml of water is equivalent to 1 leveled scoop of formula. For Aptamil Australia and New Zealand, the amount of water is 50ml for 1 leveled scoop. The water temperature should be around 40 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, parents should measure the formula using the scoop provided in the box to ensure the correct nutritional composition and read the instructions printed on the box carefully to avoid confusion.


Aptamil Profutura Duobiotik Powdered Milk Number 2



2. What temperature should Aptamil formula be prepared at?

Each type of formula milk has a different dissolving temperature, depending on the manufacturer and the specific product. For Aptamil powder formula, the appropriate temperature is 40 degrees Celsius. This temperature ensures that the powder dissolves completely while preserving the nutrients. For Aptamil formula in sachets, prepare it at 70 degrees Celsius, shaking vertically until fully dissolved. Then, let it cool to 40 degrees Celsius before feeding to the baby.

3. How long can prepared Aptamil formula be stored?

The recommended usage time is within 2 hours after preparation. Prepare only enough formula for one feeding and avoid making extra for later use. If the baby doesn’t finish the bottle, the parent can drink the remaining milk to avoid waste or discard it. Do not let the child continue drinking it later.

4. Can Aptamil formula be mixed with other formulas?

With the desire to enhance the nutritional benefits of milk for young children, many mothers are interested in using two types of formula milk. However, you should absolutely not mix Aptamil formula with other formulas. The differing moisture levels and nutrient content in the two types of milk can disrupt the baby’s digestive system.

Aptamil Toddler Formula Mild Taste Number 2 900g (12 - 24 months)

Aptamil Toddler Formula Mild Taste Number 2 900g (12 – 24 months)

Aptamil milk contains many essential nutrients to help babies develop comprehensively. When preparing the formula, mothers should follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure the nutrients in the milk are preserved. If you have any questions, please contact our toll-free hotline 1900.866.874 (8:00 – 21:30) or visit for advice!