Chocolate is a beloved confection worldwide for its nutritional value and health benefits. Suitable for almost everyone from children to adults, but can pregnant women eat chocolate? Let’s find the answer with AVAKids in the article below!
Nutritional Components of Chocolate
Chocolate, a product made from cocoa beans, is a beloved treat worldwide. It’s very good for health, especially for pregnant women, thanks to its many essential nutrients:
- Magnesium: Helps the body fight inflammation, regulate blood pressure, and maintain strong bones.
- Theobromine: Helps regulate blood circulation and improve kidney function.
- Flavonoids: Have antioxidant effects.
- Carbohydrates: Along with protein, lipids, vitamins, and minerals, carbohydrates help humans maintain life, growth, and development.

- Nitric Oxide: Helps dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and reduce high blood pressure.
- Calcium: Plays an important role in bone and joint development.
- Iron: Promotes red blood cell production and strengthens the body’s immune system.
- Zinc: Plays an important role in cell growth and division, participating in the formation of tissues and body development.
- Fat: Stores and provides energy for the body’s life activities.

Nutritional components of Chocolate
Benefits of Eating Chocolate During Pregnancy
Reduces the Risk of Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension
Eating chocolate during pregnancy can help control blood pressure at a safe level. Chocolate contains good proteins and vegetable fats that can prevent cardiovascular diseases, thereby avoiding the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia.

Reduces the risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension
Rich in Antioxidants, Improves the Immune System
Flavonoids in chocolate are excellent antioxidants and improve the immune system in pregnant women, helping them stay healthy during pregnancy.

M&M’s Milk Chocolate Candy 100g pack
Reduces Stress
Chocolate contains Tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of Serotonin, an anti-depressant, in the brain. Therefore, eating chocolate can help improve mood, boost energy, and relieve stress.

Reduces stress
Good for Cardiovascular Health
Chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 35% because its components, especially in dark chocolate, contain high levels of antioxidants, which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system and help blood circulation.

Bernique Milk Chocolate with Tiramisu Almond Filling 65g box
Reduces the Risk of Miscarriage
Although there is no specific remedy to overcome and prevent miscarriage, eating chocolate during pregnancy can reduce the risk by up to 20%.

M&M’s Peanut Chocolate Candy 100g pack
Good for Fetal Development
Chocolate contains Phenylethylamine (PEA), a substance that stimulates the brain to produce Endorphins, creating feelings of happiness and relaxation. Eating chocolate helps mothers have a good mood during pregnancy, positively impacting the growth and development of the fetus.

Good for fetal development
Contains Monounsaturated Fats
Chocolate contains monounsaturated fats, which are considered very good for pregnant women. In addition, chocolate contains Oleic Acid, which has a fat content almost equivalent to olive oil. Therefore, mothers do not need to worry too much about eating chocolate causing weight gain.

Contains monounsaturated fats
Balances Cholesterol Levels
Stearic acid in chocolate has the effect of reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. Therefore, eating chocolate will help pregnant women balance cholesterol levels in their bodies.

Balances Cholesterol levels
Helps Babies Be Born Happier
Eating chocolate is not only good for pregnant women but also very good for the baby. Protecting the baby from stress during the mother’s pregnancy, the baby will be happier after birth.
Is Eating Chocolate Good for Pregnant Women?
From the above benefits, it can be seen that not only can pregnant women eat chocolate, but it is also safe and provides many nutritional values for the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should not overindulge as it can cause unwanted side effects. Some harmful effects of eating too much chocolate during pregnancy:
- Increased risk of heartburn or even miscarriage due to high caffeine levels in the body.
- Prone to gestational diabetes, varicose veins, and high blood pressure due to excess calories and sugar in the body.
- Difficulty controlling blood sugar levels.
- Increased risk of gestational diabetes and excessive weight gain.

Bernique Dark Chocolate with Dried Strawberry Filling 70g box
Which Type of Chocolate and When Is It Best to Eat?
Good Types of Chocolate for Pregnant Women
The darker, the better: Compared to milk chocolate, dark chocolate contains more nutrients that are good for the body, with over 600 essential compounds including: Magnesium, antioxidants, iron, and Theobromine. In addition, the flavonoids in dark chocolate also help enhance the benefits of vitamin C for the body, support blood vessel function, and prevent hypotension.
Low sugar: Pregnant women should prioritize low-sugar chocolate, especially organic chocolate, because it contains fewer calories but provides more nutrients.
No cream: Pregnant women should not consume chocolate with cream because most types of chocolate containing cream are made from raw eggs, which pose a potential risk of carrying bacteria that can harm the fetus.

Good types of chocolate for pregnant women
The Best Time for Pregnant Women to Eat Chocolate
Pregnant women should prioritize eating chocolate in the morning. The sweetness and caffeine in chocolate will help them recharge and feel more alert.
Pregnant women should especially note that during the last 3 months of pregnancy, consuming too much chocolate will greatly affect the health of both mother and fetus. Therefore, at this time, mothers need to eat in moderation or limit consumption to avoid the risk of gestational diabetes.

Bernique Milk Chocolate 70g
Pregnant women can eat chocolate during pregnancy, however, they should not overindulge. It is important to consume it in appropriate amounts to avoid unwanted side effects. If you have any questions, you can visit the website avakids.com or call the hotline 1900.866.874 (7:30 am – 10:00 pm) for advice!