15 Safe and Effective Home Remedies for Kids’ Coughs


What’s the best way to relieve a cough in children? This is a question many parents are always searching for, because children’s respiratory systems are not fully developed, their resistance is weak, so they are susceptible to lung diseases. Here are some ways to relieve coughs in children that AVAKids would like to share.

Causes of Coughs in Children

Coughing is the body’s reaction to environmental impacts, limiting the entry of foreign objects or participating in the expulsion of secretions.

In children, the immune system and resistance are weak, and the respiratory system is not fully developed, so persistent coughs often cause children to lose sleep all night.

Nam Pharmaceutical Syrup for children to reduce cough, cold and phlegm

Types of Coughs in Children

To better and more effectively relieve a cough in children, parents should understand a few types of coughs that are often confused with sneezing or the flu. Here are some types of coughs parents need to pay attention to:

  • Croup Cough

The cause stems from croup in young children, this disease usually appears from October to March of the following year in children aged 6 months to 3 years.

The sound of the cough is like a seal’s bark, the cough usually occurs during the day and gets worse at night. Some children are very sensitive and therefore prone to croup when they have the flu.

  • Dry Cough at Night

If you see your child starting to have a dry cough, you should see a doctor immediately because a dry cough stems from respiratory tract infections (nose and throat area).

In addition, a dry cough is an early sign of lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Dry coughs get worse in the evening and when the child is active.

  • Cough with Phlegm

The common cause of this cough is bronchitis, bronchiolitis, asthmatic bronchitis,… A cough with phlegm is the phenomenon of expelling foreign objects (phlegm).

A phlegm cough is also accompanied by sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, and loss of appetite. This condition can last from 1 to 3 weeks, and in the early days, the cough will be very bad. On average, children will usually have a cold 5 to 10 times a year.

Herbland Healthza Olis helps with antibacterial, cough reduction and sore throat relief
  • Severe Cough

The main cause of this cough is a virus that causes respiratory illness and begins to incubate for a long time in the child. Therefore, in the early days of being infected with the virus, your child will not show symptoms and can easily infect others, especially those who are often in contact with the child.

  • Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is an increasingly common disease, caused by “bacterial attacks” that attack the lining of the airways, causing severe inflammation, narrowing the airways, and most dangerously, potentially blocking the airways in the child. The child may experience lack of oxygen due to difficulty breathing and their face may turn blue.

Whooping cough is similar to the flu, but the coughs in children get worse and worse, especially at night. Children cough a lot, even more than 25 times per breath. Between coughs, the child has difficulty breathing and makes a “whooping” sound when they inhale.

Smartbibi ZinC syrup supplements zinc, vitamin C to help increase resistance

When to Use Medication to Relieve a Cough in Children

You should take your child to the doctor and only use medication when the child has a dry cough, cough due to irritation, high fever that is difficult to reduce, vomiting, refuses to eat,… When the child coughs too much and loses strength, give them medicine.

If the child’s condition is severe enough to cough up blood, you should urgently seek medication to reduce the cough and need the support of specialist doctors.


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15 Safe Home Remedies to Relieve a Cough in Children Without Medication

Below are some folk remedies commonly used to relieve coughs in children. The information AVAKids has compiled is for reference only and does not replace specialist doctors.

1. Relieving Coughs in Children with Ginger

Ginger has a spicy, warm nature, and has the effect of dispelling cold, detoxifying the body,… Thanks to these uses, ginger is a folk remedy in the treatment of respiratory diseases, sore throats, bronchitis,… containing a lot of gingerol, used to support digestive activity, helping to fight the flu and common cold.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare a small piece of ginger, two spoons of rock sugar.
  • Peel the ginger, wash it, then slice it.
  • Place ginger and rock sugar in a bowl.
  • Steam for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then let it cool, remove the solids, and strain the water for the child to drink 2-3 times/day.

2. Relieving Coughs in Children with Garlic

Garlic has very good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, suitable for treating diseases related to bacterial infections, and respiratory tract infections. Garlic contains a very high amount of germanium. Garlic helps improve health and prevent diseases.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take 2-3 cloves of garlic, crush them, put them in a bowl and add half a bowl of water.
  • Take 1 piece of rock sugar, steam for 15 minutes.
  • Let it warm, take the garlic water for the child to drink, 2 – 3 times/day.

3. Relieving Coughs with Chinese Chives

Chinese chives have many uses such as: having a warm nature when cooked, spicy taste,… having the effect of warming the middle, moving qi, dispersing cold, and detoxifying. Often used in remedies for pain, trauma, cough,…

Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare 10g of Chinese chives and 3 teaspoons of honey.
  • Clean the Chinese chives and cut into sections.
  • Put the Chinese chives in a small bowl and add honey.
  • Steam in a pot for about 15 minutes.
  • Strain the juice, discard the solids, and give it to the child to drink.
Fresh chive juice helps reduce coughs in children

Fresh chive juice helps reduce coughs in children

4. Relieving Coughs with Pears

Pears are a fruit with many nutrients, a sweet taste, a cooling nature, and are very helpful in treating dry coughs, persistent coughs,… Pears are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, protein, pears also contain a large amount of folate, provitamin A,…

Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare a peeled pear, wash it and then cut it into small pieces.
  • Put the pear in a bowl with a lid, add 3 spoons of honey and steam.
  • After 15 – 20 minutes, let it cool and then give it to the child to drink.
Xuan Nguyen Pure Honey

5. Relieving Coughs with Lemon Balm

According to traditional medicine, lemon balm has a spicy, warm taste, aroma, and has the effect of dispersing wind and cold, resolving phlegm, sterilizing, used to treat sore throats, relieve colds and flu,… This is a remedy often used for decoction.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Wash 15 – 16 lemon balm leaves, 4 – 5 green kumquats and use a blender to blend them.
  • Then add rock sugar, steam the mixture for about 20 minutes. Let it cool, take the juice after removing the solids for the child to drink continuously 1 – 2 times per day until the cough is gone.

Should be used while still warm or slightly hot, avoid letting children drink when cold, limit drinking cold to avoid irritating the airways.

6. Treating Coughs with White Radish

White radish is a cough remedy for children used by many people because it is natural and safe. White radish has a cool and detoxifying nature,…

Here’s how to do it:

  • Wash the white radish under water several times, peel and dice.
  • Extract the juice using a juicer.
  • Wash the ginger, cut it into small pieces.
  • Put the mixture of ginger and radish juice in a pot and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 10 minutes, then add honey, stir well, and turn off the heat.
  • Give it to the child to drink while it is still warm.

7. Relieving Coughs in Children with Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs are highly nutritious and are considered a cough remedy in many families. This method is both easy to perform and inexpensive.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Soak lily bulbs overnight, then add 2 bowls of water to the pot, simmer until about 1 bowl of water remains.
  • Add egg yolks to the pot, stir until the eggs are cooked. Let it cool before eating. Should be eaten 2 times a day.

8. Treating Coughs in Children with Fresh Turmeric

According to many studies, curcumin in fresh turmeric has anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant properties that help the gastric mucosa create a protective layer,… With many properties like these, turmeric is also used to reduce coughs in children, so it is trusted by many parents.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Wash, peel, and grind.
  • Put the ground turmeric in a bowl, add 1-2 pieces of rock sugar, add a little water.
  • Steam for about 15-20 minutes.

Reduce coughs in children

Fresh turmeric effectively reduces coughs in children

9. Treating Coughs with Lemons

Lemon is a fruit that has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. When combined correctly, lemon can be very effective in treating coughs in children and eliminating persistent coughs.

Here’s how to do it: Mix lemon juice with 1-3 spoons of honey, add warm water and drink while still warm.

10. Tips for Treating Coughs in Children with Basil Leaves

According to Oriental medicine, basil is very good for the digestive and nervous systems, treats bloating, stomach cramps, indigestion, colds, and flu. In addition, basil is also a spice in dishes like pho, noodles,…

Here’s how to do it:

  • Crush the basil flowers and leaves.
  • Add filtered water to get the juice, mix the juice with starfruit juice, add rock sugar.
  • Steam. After 30 minutes, open the lid and taste, adjust for the child to drink easily.

11. Fish Mint Leaves Help Reduce Coughs

Fish mint is easy to find, especially in rural areas. Fish mint leaves contain quercetin and isoquercitrin, so they have the ability to eliminate toxins in the body very well, and the flavonoid compounds found in fish mint have the ability to heal wounds.

Some other uses of fish mint: strengthens capillary walls, is a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and cooling. This is an effective cough remedy for children.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Remove any yellowed and wilted fish mint leaves.
  • Wash with water, then put in a blender to puree.
  • Mix with a little filtered water, stir well and then filter to get the juice.
  • Add about 1-2 spoons of honey to the fish mint juice mixture, stir well and give it to the child to drink.

12. Chrysanthemum Greens Effectively Reduce Coughs

According to Oriental medicine research, chrysanthemum greens have a sweet, slightly bitter, aromatic taste, a slightly cool nature, are non-toxic, clear phlegm fire, and calm the mind. The vegetable has the effect of treating chronic coughs, eye pain, and dispersing wind-heat.

Often used to treat diseases such as: indigestion, sore throat, bronchitis,… In the past, this type of vegetable was often used to effectively reduce coughs in children.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take 150g of fresh chrysanthemum greens, wash and drain.
  • Put in a bowl, cook with porridge, pour the porridge over the chrysanthemum greens.
  • Leave for 5-10 minutes to cook, then mix well.
  • Eat 2-3 times a day.

13. Starfruit Leaves and Flowers Help Reduce Coughs in Children

Starfruit leaves and flowers can help reduce coughs in children because they have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Therefore, starfruit leaves and flowers are a cough remedy that can help children overcome a “difficult” cough. Not only do they help treat coughs, but starfruit leaves and flowers also have diuretic effects, relieve runny noses, and treat injuries,…

Here’s how to do it:

  • Use 100g of crushed fresh starfruit leaves with a few grains of salt.
  • Take the juice, let the child gargle 3 times a day, morning, noon and night, continue for a few days to see the effect.
  • Use 12 grams of black starfruit flowers, wash thoroughly.
  • Soak in ginger water, then boil and give to the child to drink 3 times a day.

14. Relieving Coughs with White Roses

White roses have a sweet taste, a balanced nature, a mild scent, and are non-toxic. A common use in traditional medicine is to effectively help reduce coughs in children.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take the white rose petals, wash them and mix them with an appropriate amount of rock sugar.
  • Pour in a little filtered water, steam and give to the child to drink.
  • 3-4 times/day, 1 spoon/time.
Reduce coughs in children with white roses

Reduce coughs in children with white roses

15. Relieving Coughs with Hot Water

Hot (warm) water with a temperature of about 30 – 35 degrees Celsius is a suitable temperature to help the body improve the function of organ systems, helping to reduce coughs in children by moisturizing the airways, stimulating blood circulation in the throat area and soothing respiratory irritation.

Here’s how to do it: You can run the hot shower in the bathroom and let the steam fill the room. Turn off the hot water, then bring the child into the bathroom. The steam will help reduce the cough.

Notes for Parents When Caring for Children with Coughs

  • You need to give your child plenty of water to prevent dehydration when they have a respiratory tract infection. Give children enough nutrients, prioritizing porridge, soup, and foods that boost resistance. This is also one way to reduce coughs in children.
  • Do not force children to eat a lot, because children often feel uncomfortable, their throats have a lot of phlegm, so they are very easy to vomit. Parents need to note: avoid giving children cold food, uncooked food. Do not give children canned food, processed food, or fast food.
  • Limit giving children foods high in sugar, fat, and spices, which can irritate the throat, increase phlegm viscosity, cause bloating and indigestion, not only failing to reduce coughs but also making symptoms worse, prolonging recovery, and greatly affecting the child’s health.
SG Food Nutritious Porridge with Bird's Nest, Lotus Seeds and Pandan Leaves 240g pack

SG Food Nutritious Porridge with Bird’s Nest, Lotus Seeds and Pandan Leaves 240g pack

Coughing is a common illness in children, so parents can apply the cough relief methods provided by AVAKids. However, only apply these methods for mild coughs. If you see that the child’s cough does not improve after applying the above measures, parents should take the child to see a specialist doctor.