15 Best Infant Formulas (0-6 Months)


Besides breast milk, formula is also an essential source of nutrition that helps children from 0 to 6 years old develop healthily. Join AVAKids in exploring the top 15 best formulas for babies from 0 to 6 months old to gain useful information and learn how to choose the most suitable formula for your child!

Criteria for choosing good and suitable formula for babies from 0 to 6 months old

Parents should choose formula based on their child’s health condition. Below are some criteria for choosing formula for babies from 0 to 6 months old:

Newborns: Choose formulas with ingredients that support digestion because the baby’s digestive system is still immature.
Premature babies: Choose formulas high in protein, fat, and minerals.
Low-birth-weight babies: Choose stage 1 formula, as it has a nutritional composition similar to breast milk, helping babies absorb essential nutrients.
Babies with diarrhea when using formula: Mothers should choose lactose-free formulas. In this case, mothers should consult a doctor or specialist for further advice.
*Babies with constipation: Choose formulas that supplement fiber.

PreNAN 380g (newborn) formula for low-birth-weight and premature babies

Top 15 formulas for babies from 0 to 6 months old trusted by many mothers

1. Frisolac Gold 1 Formula

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*Note: Promotional prices are updated on November 5, 2024, and may change over time!

Frisolac is a familiar Dutch milk brand among Vietnamese mothers. The product undergoes a high-quality production process on modern lines to provide users with safe, quality products that offer complete and balanced nutrition.

Frisolac Gold 1 Formula 850g (0 - 6 months)
Frisolac Gold 1 Formula 850g (0 – 6 months)

Key features:

  • Friso formula supplements over 40 vitamins and minerals for babies in the early stages of life.
  • Utilizes modern LockNutri technology to protect milk proteins from decomposition during production, preserving essential nutrients for the child’s development.
  • DHA, ARA, taurine, and choline in the milk help babies develop their brains comprehensively and enhance their vision optimally.
  • Supplemented with lacto and bifidobacteria to help babies resist common allergies and support stable digestive system development.
  • Provides choline, taurine, AA, DHA, and SA for healthy eyesight.
  • Supplemented with zinc and nucleotides to strengthen the immune system in children and effectively limit minor illnesses.

2. Vinamilk Optimum Gold 1 Formula

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*Note: Promotional prices are updated on November 5, 2024, and may change over time!

Vinamilk Optimum Gold 1 formula is a product from the Vietnamese milk brand Vinamilk. This is a major brand, holding over 54.5% of the domestic milk market share, with products that provide users with complete and safe nutrition.

Key features:

  • Optimum Gold 1 milk extracts DHA entirely from pure seaweed, helping children optimally develop their brains.
  • Calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus ingredients in a reasonable ratio help enhance height development in children.
  • Optimum milk contains whey protein to enhance nutrient absorption in children’s intestines.
  • Lutein content supports the development of intelligence in children, helping them become more agile.
  • Supplemented with vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, and selenium to strengthen resistance and help children develop comprehensively.

3. Meiji Infant Formula

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*Note: Promotional prices are updated on November 5, 2024, and may change over time!

Meiji is a famous Japanese milk brand established in 1917. This corporation specializes in producing Japanese baby milk and healthcare foods for all family members, especially children.

Key features:

  • Meiji formula is researched and produced with ingredients similar to breast milk, making it easy for babies to use and absorb.
  • Supplements DHA, folic acid, iron, omega-3, and omega-6 to support optimal brain and visual development.
  • Rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to help children have strong bones and good height development.
  • Provides FOS fiber for a healthy digestive system and maximum nutrient absorption.

4. NAN Optipro Plus 1 Formula

NAN Optipro Plus 1 formula is a nutritional milk product for children from 0 to 6 years old from the Swiss brand Nestlé. This is a world-renowned corporation with a global business network specializing in high-quality food and beverages.

Key features:

  • Supplements over 30 essential nutrients for a child’s early development.
  • NAN milk uses the exclusive Optipro protein technology to enhance protein quality, increase nutrient absorption, prevent allergies, and support healthy development with fewer minor illnesses.
  • Supplements 100 million Bifidus BL probiotics to reduce the risk of diarrhea and increase IgA antibodies commonly found in breast milk.
  • DHA, ARA, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins help children develop height and brain function.
  • The nutrients in the milk help strengthen children’s resistance and reduce the risk of common illnesses.

5. Similac 5G 1 Formula

Similac 5G 1 formula is a product from the US brand Abbott. This is a world-renowned milk brand with high-quality products trusted by consumers worldwide.

Key features:

  • Similac milk supplements calcium and phosphorus in an appropriate ratio to help children develop their bones and teeth and optimize height growth.
  • High-quality protein content helps children gain weight steadily and develop healthily.
  • The product supplements essential vitamins and minerals for babies, helping strengthen resistance and supporting optimal brain and digestive system development.
  • The milk has a delicious vanilla flavor that makes it easy for babies to drink.

6. Dielac Alpha Gold IQ 1 Formula

Dielac Alpha Gold IQ formula is a product from the famous Vietnamese brand Vinamilk. The product provides babies with a complete and balanced source of nutrients for healthy development in the early stages of life.

Key features:

  • Dielac Gold milk combines colostrum imported from the US with selenium, zinc, and various vitamins to strengthen resistance and protect children from common illnesses.
  • Provides DHA, ARA, choline, taurine, and alpha-linolenic acid in appropriate amounts to help children develop their brains and vision optimally.
  • Contains 36 essential nutrients combined with FOS fiber, BB-12TM, and Bifidobacterium probiotics to help children develop a healthy digestive system, easily absorb nutrients, and gain weight steadily.
  • Dielac formula supplements calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and vitamin K in appropriate amounts to help children optimize height development and have strong bones and teeth.

7. HiPP Organic Combiotic 1 Formula (Mild Flavor)

HiPP Organic Combiotic formula is a reputable brand from Germany, established in 1898. This company has many years of experience producing organic nutritional foods for infants and young children with clean ingredients sourced from Europe, ensuring safety and high quality.

Key features:

  • The combination of GOS and HMP fibers helps children eat well, absorb nutrients optimally, prevent constipation, strengthen resistance, and prevent minor illnesses.
  • HiPP formula is made from organic ingredients to provide fiber, create a favorable environment for probiotic bacteria to develop, strengthen the immune system in children, and promote a healthy digestive system.
  • The product contains natural lactose sugar to help children easily absorb nutrients and gain weight steadily.
  • Supplements DHA and ARA for optimal brain and visual development.

8. Enfamil A+ Neuropro 1 Formula

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Enfamil A+ Neuropro 1 400g (0 – 6 months) formula is an Enfamil line for newborns from the US-based Mead Johnson Corporation. Although newly launched in 2014, this product quickly gained popularity among Vietnamese mothers for its ability to help children develop optimally.

Key features:

  • Supplements the golden nutrient system essential for babies lacking breast milk.
  • Provides vitamin PP to prevent mouth sores, swollen gums, and other gum diseases.
  • Supplements the MFGM pro, DHA, and ARA golden nutrient system to help babies become agile, exceptionally intelligent, and develop emotional thinking.
  • High PDX GOS content helps improve intestinal health and effectively prevent constipation in children.
  • The product supports the development of both IQ and EQ.

9. Abbott Grow 1 Formula

Abbott is a familiar American milk brand, established in 1888. This corporation provides nutritional and healthcare products for both children and adults, trusted worldwide. Abbott’s products are always highly regarded for their quality and safety.

Abbott Grow 1 Formula 900g Vanilla Flavor (0 - 6 months)
Abbott Grow 1 Formula 900g Vanilla Flavor (0 – 6 months)

Key features:

  • Grow Abbott milk supplements the IQ nutrient system, omega-3, omega-6, DHA, calcium, vitamins, and minerals to help children develop comprehensively in terms of brain function, height, weight, vision, and resistance.
  • Enhanced with GOS fiber to help babies easily absorb nutrients and effectively prevent constipation.
  • Abundant beta-carotene, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin E support the strengthening of the immune system’s protective barrier, helping babies develop healthily with fewer minor illnesses.
  • High-quality protein rich in lysine helps children optimize height and weight growth.
  • Palm oil-free vegetable fat in the product helps babies absorb nutrients well and gain weight steadily.

10. Blackmores NewBorn Formula 1

Blackmores NewBorn Formula 1 is a product from an Australian brand specializing in providing natural healthcare products. With over 85 years of experience in the field of nutrition, Blackmores has developed a formula milk line that provides comprehensive nutrition suitable for each stage of a child’s development.

Key features:

  • Blackmores formula provides energy, protein, and fat to help babies gain weight steadily.
  • Contains high levels of DHA, AA, omega-3, omega-6, taurine, choline, and iron to help children develop cognition, increase memory capacity, and become more intelligent every day.
  • Contains amino acids involved in brain structure and high levels of phosphorus and lipids to help form brain cell function.
  • Lutein and taurine content supports antioxidant activity and enhances corneal development in children.

11. Morinaga Hagukumi 1 Formula

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Morinaga Hagukumi 1 formula is a brand from the Japanese milk company Morinaga, established in 1917. This is one of the leading brands specializing in producing high-quality and safe milk through a closed process, providing complete and balanced nutrition for users.

Key features:

  • Provides DHA and vitamin A to support optimal nervous system and visual development in children.
  • Morinaga milk supplements all necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure nutritional balance, helping children develop healthily.
  • Lactulose and raffinose ingredients enhance beneficial bacteria in the intestines, supporting good digestive system development and easy nutrient absorption in babies.

12. Royal Ausnz Premium Gold 1 Formula

Royal Ausnz Premium Gold 1 Formula is produced by the Australian company GOTOP. This corporation has over 160 years of experience in milk production and has received many prestigious awards from the Australian Dairy Industry Association.

Royal Ausnz Premium Gold 1 Formula
Royal Ausnz Premium Gold 1 Formula

Key features:

  • Provides complete nutrition for a child’s early development.
  • Supplements FOS and GOS fibers to help children digest well, prevent constipation, stimulate appetite, and enhance nutrient absorption.
  • Provides lactoferrin and lutein to strengthen resistance, enhance vision, and give children healthy eyes.
  • DHA and ARA content similar to breast milk helps children become intelligent, agile, and optimally develop their brains.
  • Supplements calcium, minerals, and essential vitamins to help children achieve superior height development.

13. NutiFood GrowPLUS+ Gold (Colostrum) Formula

Nutifood GrowPLUS+ Gold 0+ Formula is a product from the Vietnamese brand Nutifood, manufactured in Sweden. This company specializes in high-quality and safe nutritional foods.

Key features:

  • The FDI formula combined with HMO and FOS fiber helps strengthen resistance in children, increase nutrient absorption, and create the foundation for a healthy digestive system.
  • Supplements 100% DHA from seaweed combined with ALA, LA, choline, taurine, and lutein to help babies develop their brains and vision optimally.
  • 24h colostrum with high IgG antibody content helps protect and strengthen the immune system, limiting minor illnesses and infectious diseases.

14. MetaCare 1 Formula

MetaCare 1 Formula is a milk line for children from 0 to 6 months old from the Vietnamese nutrition company Nutricare. This company is a leading prestigious researcher and producer of nutritional and healthcare products.

MetaCare 1 Formula 900g (0 - 6 months)
MetaCare 1 Formula 900g (0 – 6 months)

Key features:

  • Metacare milk supplements valuable nutrients similar to breast milk, helping children easily absorb nutrients.
  • The combination of nucleotides and lactoferrin helps strengthen the immune system in children, limiting minor illnesses and diseases related to viruses and infections.
  • Supplements lactulose, raffinose, and oligosaccharides to help the child’s digestive system function stably, prevent constipation, and absorb nutrients better.
  • Provides vitamins A, D, K, C, and B6 to help babies easily absorb calcium, develop strong bones and joints, and improve overall health.
  • Enhanced with DHA, ARA, taurine, and choline to help children become intelligent, eager to learn, and more responsive.

15. Glico Icreo 0 Formula

Glico Icreo 0 Formula is a brand belonging to the Ezaki Glico Corporation, established in 1922. This is one of the largest and most famous confectionery and food corporations in Japan. Glico Icreo formula milk is produced based on Japan’s strict nutritional and food safety standards to ensure that babies receive optimal nutrition.

Key features:

  • Supplements DHA indirectly through perilla oil, helping babies absorb optimally, become intelligent, and develop cognitive function right from the early stages of life.
  • The necessary vitamins and minerals in the milk help children develop physically and mentally.
  • Glico formula milk is supplemented with abundant fat content to help children gain weight steadily.
  • Contains all five types of nucleotides to help children develop healthily.
  • Supplemented with beta-carotene to support enhanced resistance in children and effectively reduce minor illnesses.
  • Rich iron content in the milk helps babies absorb other nutrients better and effectively prevent anemia